
The Cost of an 'Adequate' Education
The Wall Street Journal, p. A19. 9-Oct-06

Is There Hope for Expanded School Choice?
In Robert C. Enlow and Lenore T. Ealy. Liberty and Learning: Milton Friedman’s Voucher Idea at Fifty, Washington, DC: Cato Institute, pp. 67-79. 2006

The Complementarity of Tiebout and Alonso
(with Kuzey Yilmaz)
Journal of Housing Economics, 16(2), pp. 243-261. Aug-06

Alternative School Policies and the Benefits of General Cognitive Skills
Economics of Education Review, 25(4), pp. 447-462. Aug-06

Institutional Models in Education: Legal Framework and Methodological Aspects for a New Approach to the Problem of School Governance
(co-editor with Enrico Gori, Daniele Vidoni and Charles Glenn). Nijmegen, Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers, 243 pages. 2006

Introduction: Good Intentions Captured – School Funding Adequacy and the Courts
in Eric A. Hanushek (ed.). Courting Failure: How School Finance Lawsuits Exploit Judges’ Good Intentions and Harm Our Children, Stanford, CA: Education Next Books, pp. xiii-xxxii. 2006

Science Violated: Spending Projections and the "Costing Out" of an Adequate Education
in Eric A. Hanushek (ed.)
Courting Failure: How School Finance Lawsuits Exploit Judges' Good Intentions and Harm Our Children, Stanford, CA: Education Next Books, pp. 257-311. 2006

Early Returns from School Accountability
(with Margaret E. Raymond). in Paul E. Peterson (ed.). Generational Change: Closing the Test Score Gap, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 143-166. 2006

More Accountability or More Resources: The US Experience with NCLB
(with Margaret E. Raymond). In Enrico Gori, Daniele Vidoni, Eric A. Hanushek and Charles Glenn (ed.). Institutional Models in Education: Legal Framework and Methodological Aspects for a New Approach to the Problem of School Governance, (Nijmegen, Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers), pg. 69-80. 2006

Choice, Charters, and Public School Competition
Economic Commentary, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 15-Mar-06. 15-Mar-06

Teacher Compensation
in Paul E. Peterson (ed.)
Reforming Education in Florida, pp. 149-163. 2006

School Accountability and Student Performance
(with Margaret E. Raymond). Regional Economic Development, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2(1) , pp. 51-61. Mar-06

Comment [on Murnane, Willett, Bub, and McCartney]
In Gary Burtless and Janet Rothenberg Pack(ed.). Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, pp. 128-131. 2006

The Economic Value of Improving Public Schools
Proceedings of Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Research Conference, November 18-19, 2004, Cleveland: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, pp. 59-72. 2005

Remedial Math: Rather than Spend More on Schools, We Should Spend More Wisely
The New Democrat, 7(6) , pp. 25-27. November/December 1995

Economic Outcomes and School Quality
Education Policy Series, Volume 4. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning and International Academy of Education}. 2005

The Economics of School Quality
German Economic Review, 6(3), pp. 269-286. Aug-05

Education and Training
(with Michael Mertaugth). In Nicholas Barr (ed.). Labor Markets and Social Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: The Accession and Beyond, Washington, DC: The World Bank, pp. 207-251. 2005

Why Quality Matters in Education
Finance and Development, 42(2), pp.15-19. Jun-05

Teachers, Schools, and Academic Achievement
(with Steven G. Rivkin and John F. Kain)
Econometrica, 73(2), pp. 417-458. Mar-05

Does School Accountability Lead to Improved Student Performance?
(with Margaret E. Raymond)
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 24(2), pp. 298-327. Spring 2005

The Market for Teacher Quality
(with John F. Kain, Daniel M. O'Brien, and Steven G. Rivkin)
NBER Working Paper 11154, National Bureau of Economic Research. Feb-05

Rewarding Teachers
(with Caroline M. Hoxby). Reforming Education in Arkansas, (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press), pp. 155-166. 2005

Why the Federal Government Should be Involved in School Accountability
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 24(1), pp. 168-172. Winter 2005

Developing Value-Added Measures for Teachers and Schools
(with Caroline M. Hoxby). Reforming Education in Arkansas, (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press), pp. 99-104. 2005

United States Lessons about School Accountability
CESifo DICE Report, 2(4), pp. 27-32. Winter 2004

The Revolving Door
(with John F. Kain and Steven G. Rivkin)
Education Next, 4(1), pp. 77-82. Winter 2004

Our School Performance Matters
Journal of Education, 185(3), pp. 1-6. Nov-04

Learn Lessons of the Past
. The Australian. 26-Aug-04

Disruption versus Tiebout Improvement: The Costs and Benefits of Switching Schools
(with John F. Kain and Steven G. Rivkin)
Journal of Public Economics, 88(9), pp. 1722-1746. Aug-04

The Toughest Battleground: Schools
In Mark A. Wynne, Harvey Rosenblum and Robert L. Formaini (ed.). The legacy of Milton and Rose Friedman's Free to Choose: Economic liberalism at the turn of the twenty first century, Dallas, TX: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, pp. 21-35. 2004

The Effect of School Accountability Systems on the Level and Distribution of Student Achievement
(with Margaret E. Raymond)
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2(2-3), pp. 406-415. May-04

What If There Are No 'Best Practices'?
Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 51(2), pp. 156-172. May-04

Shopping for Evidence Against School Accountability
(with Margaret E. Raymond). In William J. Fowler, Jr. (ed.). Developments in School Finance: 2003, (Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics), pp. 119-130. 2004

How to Improve the Supply of High Quality Teachers
(with Steven G. Rivkin)
Brookings Papers on Education Policy: 2004, pp. 7-44. 2004

Why Public Schools Lose Teachers
(with John F. Kain and Steven G. Rivkin)
The Journal of Human Resources, 39(2), pp. 326-354. Spring 2004

How to Determine Who is a Quality Teacher
(with Lewis C. Solmon, Philip Bigler, Lee S. Shulman, and Herbert J. Walberg). In Lewis C. Solmon and Tamara W. Schiff (ed.) . Talented Teachers: The Essential Force for Improving Student Achievement, Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, pp. 49-85. 2004

Economic Analysis of School Quality
European Economy: Quality and Efficiency in Education, Special Report No 3. Brussels: Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission, pp. 29-48. 2004

Opportunities, Race, and Urban Location: The Influence of John Kain
(with Edward L. Glaeser and John M. Quigley)
Journal of Urban Economics, 56(1). 2004

Same Amount of Money Should Yield Better Results
San Jose Mercury News, p. 1P, 3P. 23-Nov-03

Redistribution through Education and Other Transfer Mechanisms
(with Charles Ka Yui Leung and Kuzey Yilmaz)
Journal of Monetary Economic, 50(8), pp. 1719-1750. Nov-03

Efficiency and Equity in Schools around the World
(with Javier A. Luque)
Economics of Education Review, 22(5), pp. 481-502. Oct-03

Does Peer Ability Affect Student Achievement?
(with John F. Kain, Jacob M. Markman, and Steven G. Rivkin). Journal of Applied Econometrics, 18(5), pp. 527-544. Oct-03

Potential Gains and Losses in Education
World and I, pp. 30-35. Sep-03