Educational Performance of the Poor: Lessons from Rural Northeast Brazil
(with Ralph W. Harbison). New York: Oxford University Press, 362 pages. 1992The Trade-off Between Child Quantity and Quality
Journal of Political Economy, 100(1), pp. 84-117. February 1992Bringing Educational Measurement into the Age of Newton
(with C. Eugene Steuerle and Robert H. Meyer). Policy Bites, The Urban Institute. October 1991When School Finance 'Reform' May Not Be Good Policy
Harvard Journal on Legislation, 28(2), pp. 423-456. Summer 1991Improving Information for Social Policy Decisions: The Uses of Microsimulation Modeling - Volume II: Technical Papers
(co-editor with Constance F. Citro). Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 368 pages. 1991
Concepts of Educational Efficiency and Effectiveness
(with Marlaine E. Lockheed). In Torsten Husén and T. Neville Postlethwaite (ed.). International Encyclopedia of Education, Supplementary Volume 2, Oxford: Pergamon. 1991School Performance and Educational Policy Making
In Gary Libecap (ed.). The Education and Quality of the American Labor Force, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp. 65-94. 1991Improving Information for Social Policy Decisions: The Uses of Microsimulation Modeling - Volume I: Review and Recommendations
(co-editor with Constance F. Citro). Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 360 pages. 1991Walter Y. Oi: Reflections on his Career and his Legacy
Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 33, pp. 9-12. Autumn 1990Commercial Land Use Regulation and Local Government Finance
(with John M. Quigley). American Economic Review, 19(2), pp. 176-180. May 1990The Policy Research Markets
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 9(2), pp. 147-154. Spring 1990Alternative Assessments of the Performance of Schools: Measurement of State Variations in Achievement
(with Lori L. Taylor). The Journal of Human Resources, 25(2), pp. 179-201. Spring 1990
Social Science Research and Policy: A Review Essay
Journal of Human Resources, pp. 46-51. Spring 1990Schools in the 1990s: The Opportunities and Risks Facing Texas and Other States
in Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr. and Stephen P.A. Brown (ed.). The Southwest Economy in the 1990s: A Different Decade, (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 39-43Reforming Educational Reform
(with John E. Chubb). In Henry Aaron (ed.). Setting National Priorities , Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, pp. 213-247. 1990Review of "The Green Book"
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1989 Edition, 8(4), Fall, pp. 691-694. 1989The Impact of Differential Expenditures on School Performance
Educational Researcher, 18(4), pp. 45-51. May 1989Expenditures, Efficiency, and Equity in Education: The Federal Government's Role
American Economic Review, 79(2), pp. 46-51. May 1989Overview of Federal Involvement in Education
in National Economic Commission, Staff Papers, Background Papers, and Major Testimony, pp. 329-333. March 1989Improving Educational Efficiency in Developing Countries: What Do We Know?
(with Marlaine E. Lockheed). Compare, 18(1), pp. 21-37. 1988Non-Labor-Supply Responses to the Income Maintenance Experiments
In Alicia H. Munnell (ed.). Lessons from the Income Maintenance Experiments, Boston, MA: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Brookings Institution, pp. 106-121. 1987
Formula Budgeting: The Economics and Analytics of Fiscal Policy under Rules
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 6(1), pp. 3-19. Fall 1986The Economics of Schooling: Production and Efficiency in Public Schools
Journal of Economic Literature, 49(3), pp. 1141-1177. September 1986Alternative Poverty Measures and the Allocation of Federal Benefits
(with Roberton Williams). in U.S. Bureau of the Census. Conference on the Measurement of Noncash Benefits, Proceedings, Volume I, Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of the Census, pp. 104-125. 1986Life-Cycle Earning Capacity and the OJT Investment Model
(with John M. Quigley). International Economic Review, 26(2), pp. 365-385. Jun 1985
American Domestic Priorities
in John Quigley and Daniel Rubinfeld (ed.). American Domestic Priorities, (Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press), pp. 154-160. 1985The Determinants of Housing Demand
(with John M. Quigley). In J.V. Henderson (ed.). Research in Urban Economics, Vol. II. (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press), pp. 221-242. 1982The Continuing Hope: A Rejoinder
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1(1), pp. 53-54. Autumn 1981Alternative Models of Earnings Determination and Labor Market Structure
Journal of Human Resources, 16(2), pp. 238-259. Spring 1981Education Policy Research-An Industry Perspective
Economics of Education Review, 1(2), pp. 193-224. 1981Consumption Aspects
(with John M. Quigley). In Katherine L. Bradbury and Anthony Downs (ed.). Do Housing Allowances Work? , Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, pp. 185-240. 1981What is the Price Elasticity of Housing Demand?
(with John M. Quigley). Review of Economics and Statistics, 62(3), pp. 449-454. August 1980
Conceptual and Empirical Issues in the Estimation of Educational Production Functions
The Journal of Human Resources, 14(3), pp. 351-388. Summer 1979The Dynamics of the Housing Market: A Stock Adjustment Model of Housing Consumption
(with John M. Quigley). Journal of Urban Economics, 6(1), pp. 90-111. January 1979
An Explicit Model of Intra-Metropolitan Mobility
(with John M. Quigley). Land Economics, 54(4), pp. 411-429. November 1978
The Dynamics of Postwar Industrial Location
(with Byung Nak Song). Review of Economics and Statistics, 60(4), pp. 515-522. November 1978
Implicit Investment Profiles and Intertemporal Adjustments of Relative Wages
(with John M. Quigley). American Economic Review, 68(1), pp. 67-79. March 1978