General Audience Articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 69

General Audience Articles

(with Bradley Strauss). Hoover Education Success Initiative. 2024

In Stephen L. Bowen and Margaret E. Raymond (ed.). A Nation at Risk +40, Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution, 161-179. 2023

In Margaret E. Raymond (ed.). How to Improve our Schools in the Post-COVID Era, Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution. 2021

In Margaret E. Raymond (ed.). How to Improve our Schools in the Post-COVID Era, Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution. 2021

(with Marc Piopiunik and Simon Wiederhold). Education Next, 19(2) , pp. 57-64. Spring 2019

In George P. Shultz (ed.). Blueprint for America, Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, pp. 89-108. 2016

(with Jens Ruhose and Ludger Woessmann). Education Next, 16(3) , pp. 16-24. Summer 2016

In Ingrid Gould Ellen, Edward L. Glaeser, Eric A. Hanushek, Matthew E. Kahn, and Aaron M. Renn. The Next Urban Reaissance: How Public-Policy Innovation and Evaluation Can Improve Life in America’s Cities, New York: Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, pp. 25-40. 2015

In María de Ibarrola and D.C. Phillips (ed.). Leaders in Educational Research, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 93-105. 2014

In Chester E. Finn Jr. and Richard Sousa (ed.). What lies ahead for america's children and their schools, Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 23-35. 2014

(with Gregory F. Branch and Steven G. Rivkin). Education Next, 13(1), pp. 62-69. Winter 2013

In Norberto Bottani and Daniele Checchi (Ed.). La Sfida Della Valutazione, Bolgna, IT: Società Editrice il Mulino, pp. 39-46. 2012

(with Paul E. Peterson and Ludger Woessmann). PEPG Report No. 12-03. Jul-12

(with Paul E. Peterson, Ludger Woessmann, and Carlos Xabel Lastra-Anadón) . Education Next, 11(4), pp. 51-59. Fall 2011

Education Next, 11(3), pp. 40-45. Summer 2011

In Darrel Drury and Justin Baer (ed.). The American Public School Teacher: Past, Present, and Future, (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press), pp. 109-118. 2011

In Koret Task Force. American Education in 2030: An Assessment by Hoover Institution’s Koret Task Force on K–12 Education, Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution. 2010

in Karl Weber (ed.). Waiting for "Superman": How We Can Save America’s Failing Public Schools. New York: Public Affairs, pp. 81-100. 2010

(with Kati Haycock) . Education Next, 10(3), pp. 46-52. Summer 2010

In Dan Goldhaber and Jane Hannaway (ed.). Creating a New Teaching Profession, Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press, pp. 165-180. 2009

(with Alfred A. Lindseth and Michael A. Rebell) . Education Next, 9(4), pp. 49-56. Fall 2009

Peabody Journal of Education, 82(4), pp. 574-586. Oct-07

Education Next, 7(3), pp. 73-78. Summer 2007

(with Steven G. Rivkin) . Future of Children, 17(1), pp. 69-96. Spring 2007

In Robert C. Enlow and Lenore T. Ealy. Liberty and Learning: Milton Friedman’s Voucher Idea at Fifty, Washington, DC: Cato Institute, pp. 67-79. 2006

in Eric A. Hanushek (ed.). Courting Failure: How School Finance Lawsuits Exploit Judges’ Good Intentions and Harm Our Children, Stanford, CA: Education Next Books, pp. xiii-xxxii. 2006

in Eric A. Hanushek (ed.) . Courting Failure: How School Finance Lawsuits Exploit Judges' Good Intentions and Harm Our Children, Stanford, CA: Education Next Books, pp. 257-311. 2006

in Paul E. Peterson (ed.) . Reforming Education in Florida, pp. 149-163. 2006

General Audience Articles

Hoover Education Success Initiative. 2023

(with Ludger Woessmann). Finance & Development, 59(2), pp. 50-53. 2022

(with Ludger Woessmann). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2020

(with Chester E. Finn Jr.). The State Education Standard, September 20(3), pp. 13-17. 2020

In Lindsay M. Burke and Jonathan Butcher (ed.). The Not-So-Great Society, Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation, pp. 45-51. 2019

(with Paul E. Peterson, Laura M. Talpey, and Ludger Woessmann). Education Next, 19(3), pp. 8-17. Summer 2019

In Scott W. Atlas, Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Eric A. Hanushek, Edward P. Lazear, Lee Ohanian, Joshua D. Rauh, and Frank A. Wolak. Economic Policy Challenges Facing California’s Next Governor, Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, pp. 19-23. Oct-18

In Denis C. Phillips (ed.). Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy, Los Angeles: SAGE Reference, pp, 4-7. 2014

(with Paul E. Peterson and Ludger Woessmann). Education Next, 14(4), pp. 8-18. Fall 2014

(with Paul E. Peterson and Ludger Woessmann). Education Next, 12(4), pp. 24-33. Fall 2012

(with Ludger Woessmann) . World Bank, Washington, DC, 27 pages. Jul-07

(with Paul E. Peterson, Ludger Woessmann, and Carlos Xabel Lastra-Anadón) . PEPG Report No. 11-03, Cambridge, MA: Program on Education Policy and Governance, Harvard University. Aug-11

(with Paul E. Peterson and Ludger Woessmann) . Education Next, pp. 10-18. Winter 2011

Focus, 27(2), pp. 5-12. Winter 2010

(with Paul E. Peterson and Ludger Woessmann). PEPG Report No. 10–19, Cambridge, MA: Program on Education Policy and Governance, Harvard University. Nov-10

(with Ludger Woessmann) in Dominic J. Brewer and Patrick J. McEwan (ed.) . Economics of Education (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2010), pp. 60-67. 2010

(with Ludger Woessmann) . Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, pp. 1-55. 2010

(with Dean T. Jamison, Eliot A. Jamison and Ludger Woessmann) . Education Next, 8(2), pp. 62-70. Spring 2008