Is There Hope for Expanded School Choice?

Eric A. Hanushek
In Robert C. Enlow and Lenore T. Ealy
Published Date
Liberty and Learning: Milton Friedman’s Voucher Idea at Fifty
Washington, DC: Cato Institute
pp. 67-79
Because they are products of circumstance, ideas often become dated. As circumstances change, many ideas lose currency and relevance. Others, however, pick up momentum with time. School choice is among the latter. Over a long period of time, various philosophers, writers, and policymakers have discussed how schools should be organized and financed, but perhaps no idea about schooling is as directly linked to a single individual as school choice is to Milton Friedman. His proposal for educational vouchers was first put on paper in 1955, and it was included in his 1962 classic, Capitalism and Freedom, a broader introduction to the connections between economic freedom and political freedom. Of his insights into a number of government functions in modern societies, none was more powerful than his discussion of education.