(with Ludger Woessmann)
. Journal of Economic Growth, 17(4), pp. 267-321. Dec-13
(with Ludger Woessmann)
. NBER Working Paper 15066. Jun-09
Academic Articles
(with Ludger Woessmann). Journal of Development Economics, 99(2), pp. 497-512. Nov-12
(with Ludger Woessmann), In Matthias von Davier, Eugenio Gonzalez, Irwin Kirsch, and Kentaro Yamamoto (Ed.). The Role of International Large-Scale Assessments: Perspectives from Technology, Economy, and Educational Research, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp. 47-65. 2012
(with Ludger Woessmann)
. CESifo Economic Studies, 58(1), pp. 73–109. Mar-12
(with Ludger Woessmann)
. Economics Letters, 110(2), pp. 79-82. Feb-11
(with Ludger Woessmann) in Eric A. Hanushek, Stephen Machin and Ludger Woessmann (ed.). Handbook of the Economics of Education, Vol. 3, Amsterdam: North Holland, pp. 89-200. 2011
Education Economics, 17(3), pp. 291-313. Sep-09
(with Lei Zhang)
. Journal of Human Capital, 3(2), pp. 107-143. Summer 2009
(with Ludger Woessmann)
. Journal of Economic Literature 2008, 46(3), pp. 607-668. 2008
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 9 (Special Issue), pp. 5-27. 2008
(with Michael Mertaugth). In Nicholas Barr (ed.). Labor Markets and Social Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: The Accession and Beyond, Washington, DC: The World Bank, pp. 207-251. 2005
General Audience Articles
(with Paul E. Peterson and Ludger Woessmann). Education Next, 12(4), pp. 24-33. Fall 2012
(with Paul E. Peterson and Ludger Woessmann). PEPG Report No. 12-03. Jul-12
(with Ludger Woessmann)
. World Bank, Washington, DC, 27 pages. Jul-07
(with Paul E. Peterson, Ludger Woessmann, and Carlos Xabel Lastra-Anadón)
. Education Next, 11(4), pp. 51-59. Fall 2011
(with Paul E. Peterson, Ludger Woessmann, and Carlos Xabel Lastra-Anadón)
. PEPG Report No. 11-03, Cambridge, MA: Program on Education Policy and Governance, Harvard University. Aug-11
Teaching Math to the Talented: Which Countries - and States - are Producing High-Achieving Students?
(with Paul E. Peterson and Ludger Woessmann). PEPG Report No. 10–19, Cambridge, MA: Program on Education Policy and Governance, Harvard University. Nov-10
(with Ludger Woessmann) in Dominic J. Brewer and Patrick J. McEwan (ed.)
. Economics of Education (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2010), pp. 60-67. 2010
(with Ludger Woessmann)
. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, pp. 1-55. 2010
(with Dean T. Jamison, Eliot A. Jamison and Ludger Woessmann)
. Education Next, 8(2), pp. 62-70. Spring 2008
Education Policy Series, Volume 4. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning and International Academy of Education}. 2005
(with Susanne Link, and Ludger Woessmann). VoxEU. 9-Jan-12
(with Ludger Woessmann and Lei Zhang). VoxEU. 21-Nov-11
(with Ludger Woessmann). VoxEU. 14-Aug-09
Academic Articles
(with Ludger Woessmann)
. Economic Policy, 26(67), pp. 427-491. Jul-11
(with Ludger Woessmann)
. The Economic Journal, 116(150), pp. C63-C76. Mar-06
(with Javier A. Luque)
. Economics of Education Review, 22(5), pp. 481-502. Oct-03
(with Dennis D. Kimko)
. American Economic Review, 90(5), pp. 1184-1208. December 2000
World Bank Research Observer, 10(2), pp. 227-246. August 1995
(with Marlaine E. Lockheed). Compare, 18(1), pp. 21-37. 1988
(with author, author and author). Journal, 48(2), Pages xxx-xxx.. Education Next. 18-Jan-11
(with author, author and author). Journal, 48(2), Pages xxx-xxx.. Education Next. 12-Jul-10
(with Ralph W. Harbison). New York: Oxford University Press, 362 pages. 1992