Education and Economic Growth: It's not Just Going to School but Learning That Matters

Eric A. Hanushek
Dean T. Jamison
Eliot A. Jamison
Ludger Woessmann
Published Date
Spring 2008
Education Next
pp. 62-70
Even before and certainly ever since the 1983 release of A Nation at Risk by the National Commission on Excellence in Education, national economic competitiveness has been offered as a primary reason for pushing school reform.The commission warned,“If only to keep and improve on the slim competitive edge we still retain in world markets, we must dedicate ourselves to the reform of our educational system for the benefit of all—old and young alike, affluent and poor, majority and minority.”Responding to these urgent words, the National Governors Association, in 1989, pledged that U.S. students would lead the world in math and science achievement by 2000.